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It’s that time of the year again, where the SWA (Scotch Whisky Association) get out their PR machine to tell us about how amazing they have been, leading Scotch whisky to international glory, to justify their existence.  Out comes their poster to show us all the numbers against Scotch whisky exports in 2021, in all its glory.  So we’re going to share it in both its original form, and with a slightly different view on it.  A view that we think is more relevant – a view about VALUE.

The story I’m sure you’ve all heard is that apparently, Scotch whisky exports create a massive amount of value for the UK economy.  Apparently it also underpins tens of thousands of jobs, both directly and indirectly.  Especially around key political times such as the Scottish referendum for independence and BREXIT.  More recently, a war drum to be banged to try and create another Scottish referendum (due to BREXIT) because apparently Scotland wants to rejoin Europe, and Scotch whisky exports is one of the two (the other being North Sea Oil) key industries that will bank roll an independent Scotland.

So let’s take a look at these numbers from SWA.  There’s no notice about copyright and as it’s been distributed on social media, it’s probably fair to say this is public domain information.

Scotch Whisky Exports in 2021

All very impressive looking numbers, until you get your calculator out and do some quick maths to work out the VALUE PER BOTTLE.  We saved you the time and we did it for you.  But here are the key highlights:

The average value of every bottle of Scotch exported from the UK in 2021, was £3.26 per bottle.  Remember, this includes all single malt too.  Those super expensive bottles you see all over the Internet.  Limited editions, collectors items, with age statements old enough to make them middle aged.  Hand carved boxes, crystal decanters, and all the razzle dazzle.  It still doesn’t drag the value of scotch whisky past the price of a pint in a half decent pub, in a tier 3 town in the UK.

The USA of course leads the way, with an average value of £6.26 per bottle.  Which is supported by the fact it’s rumoured to be the largest market for single malt whisky – “the good stuff”.  The average value of Scotch exported to France, won’t even buy a sandwich.  As for the second biggest market by volume of bottle equivalents, India, the value there wont even buy a branded bottle of water in a corner shop.  £1.07 per bottle.

Scotch Whisky Exports in 2021 - the alternate view
So there we have it.  That’s the real value of Scotch.  £3.26 a bottle.  Don’t forget that’s gross revenue too.  There’ll be bills to pay from that.  Production costs, raw materials, energy to mash, ferment and distill, casks, staff, probably distribution costs too.  Somewhere in there must be some profit too.  It’s something of a surprise that no one else has bothered to do the maths (as far as we can see anyway).

Of course this £3.26 a bottle isn’t really so visible as a retail consumer of Scotch whisky.  There are lots of other costs lumped on top including taxes, duties, and profit at every level of the distribution chain.  Not to mention the retailers themselves.  But it’s probably fair to say that this isn’t quite the same value that could help to underpin Scottish independence as our kilt wearing cousins might have the world believe.

Maybe our calculator is wrong, or we’re missing some important, vital piece of the puzzle.  What are your thoughts?  Leave a comment below.

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Deal of the Month from Whisky Jesus

After all that reading, no doubt there’s a bit of a thirst on.  So how about a pocket friendly deal on a 1000ml bottle of blended Scotch?  How about 1000ml of Scotch for only ¥88.88 including delivery anywhere in China?


Oak and Barley Whisky Jesus

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